A quiet simple man who can do something unexpected to shock you. Taurus man
mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strong body. When he
talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on one direction. His body will
be quite straight, facial structure tend to be square shape more than other
shape. His eyes sparkle with liveliness.
Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild bird. He is a sand in your
palm, the more you want to hold it, it will slip out. If you stand and hold
it still, it will stay that way. Don't set the rules and draw a line for
him, he will not stay.
When you are with him, he will think only of you. But an hour later he could
change his mind. He is very patient with other people, but very impatient
with himself. His world always turning and it will not stop just because he
loves you. If he up sets, he will show it right away. If something has gone
wrong, he will blame his own carelessness instead of blaming other people.
He sincere to his friends even to some friends he does not like. He likes to
do odd things and surprise other people. He could be fully dress in a nice
suit and jump in the pool. He could slap your back so hard just to make you
turn around to see he has flowers in his hand. He never want to get too
close with anyone for he thinks living in reality is living by yourself.
He does not care what people think when he behave weird. He could be walking
bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him and think they are so
narrow minded. He does not likes to follow conformity, but always want to
search for new ventures, new mystery. He will interest in a life of a
millionaire as much as a life of an old man selling newspaper on a sidewalk
He like to search and analyze people and things. He will analyze his friends
or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, he will search for new
puzzle to solve. He can not easily understand thing, so he will gradually
learning about you till he fills up all his questions.
He knows so many people ,but he has a few friends. He looks for quality
friends than quantity friends. He will be close with some friends shortly
and move on. He always feel lonely even surround by many people. He could
create his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him. He
looks only for future and he thinks he lives for the future. He may wonder
how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be like the
A man with a conflict personality. He is a cool, understanding, able to work
well, and very artistic. Taurus man could be an artist. He could shock you
as much as he is able to clam you down when you up set. He is a free spirit
who likes venture, but when he wants to be alone, do not touch him but to
let him be. He won't disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back.
He will give you straight forward opinion or comments, but will never advice
what he thinks you should do. He does not like people to tell him what he
should do too. He thinks each individual dreams and thoughts should be very
private. He will use his brain not his body strength, so he will let other
guys compete. He has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to force
himself in competition. He may seems careless, but actually he is a thinker
and a stubborn one.
He sees anythings in details and not easily trusted people till he thinks he
knows them well. You can just smile and he will think why and what are you
smiling about, and if you are pretending. Once he trust you and accept you
as a friend, no one can says other wise to change that for he will not
listen to gossip. He will be honest and sincere to his friends.
He hates lies, so he will not tell you lies. If he finds it is necessary to
lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or avoid telling you anything.
If he really has to lie, you will never be able to tell that he is lying. He
can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely soul.
If you want this kind of guy, you have to be an interesting person. He has
to be curious about you. Hell for him is 'No Freedom', so if he marry you
then you should know it is the biggest decision in his life. Always be
interesting, then you could have him beside you.

A slim moderately tall woman. Taurus woman is funny and a jolly person.
Square facial bone structure, high cheek bone. Her round big eyes sparkle
with wit and curiosity. You will not see many round faces Taurus women, and
mainly she will have a strong jaw line.
She is a constantly change person. If she up sets, she will not show it and
will keep it to herself for a long time, and will remember them so well. If
she gets really mad at you, you will suddenly become a totally and
completely stranger to her.
She is a patient person, but always need new excitement. She hates long talk
meeting, long and endless conversation. She can be in love with you today,
and one day she could act as if she has never loved you before. She has
patient with what she wants to do and will never give up until she gets
there. She will be very persistent in what she is doing till she has reasons
for stopping her project, then she will quit.
Money for Taurus woman is not the most important factor in life. She thinks
of money as an instrument for assuring of a good living. She has more
satisfaction in achieving her goals more than satisfaction in fine cloths
and luxuries. If you like a woman who always thinks of love and romance, then you are dating the wrong girl. You can not tell her to stay at home,
she likes to work and preferred not work at home.
She loves animals and likes to surround by animals. Love is in her head, but
Freedom is in her soul. She has her own idea about love and afraid to show
her true feeling for fear of rejection. She is not the type to talk about
love, but she sure has a strange way to show it. She is not good in showing
when she is in love, but if she loves you she will be honest to you than any
other women.
She will be honest to her love one, but at the same time seems distant. You
will have a good relationship with her, if you allow her freedom. Do not
force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes
out swinging with her friends if she wants to. She will be different than
other girls, and she thinks different is one of her unique quality. She is a
public figure but belongs to no one.She will not stay with you, if she
thinks you are not sincere. She likes you to have personality, but better
not to compete with her. Loves her, but not too much for she afraid it will
limiting her freedom.
She always stand out of the crowd for something she dares to do. You could
see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancy restaurant, or dress
like a nun in an a cocktail dress party. If you are a politician who are
looking for a wife, she will make a good one because she is cleverly smart
and she could get along socially with any type of crowds.
She is not a jealous type because she has to know you thoroughly before
accepting you in her life. She has more curiosity in life than wondering if
right now you are flirting with someone else. If you keep a distant from
her, or go away for a few days, she will miss you more. Even when she is
dating you, she also able to fond of someone else, if you do not have
something she is looking for. She will never disappoint you or hide behind
your back to make you loose face, but she is the type who just going to tell
you to your face that ' We're better off breaking up'.
She always remember her first love. Taurus woman holds the best record for
divorce for she does not care about how people think of her, but every
things should be done for 'Happiness'.
She has lots of friends and sure of herself, so you will hardly see she
delays any of her thoughts before her action. If she think of something, she
will go ahead and does it. She has many men wanting her for her constant
changes is the challenge. She can be cute and funny, but suddenly cool and
tough. She has her own style of dressing up, so you could see her dress like
an old mate today, and tomorrow she may dress like she comes from Mars. She
will have that interesting hair, dress and a look unique from anyone else.
She likes to learn about your dreams and your thought. She has fun teasing
you and making jokes. If she did something wrong, she won't hide it from
you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk about it. She hates
to owe people money and take promise seriously. If you promise to pay her
back, you'd better paid up.
If you want to make it with Taurus woman, then do not be jealous or
possessive, do not be narrow minded, do not criticize about nonsense or
small and insignificant matters. Try to likes her friends and let she has
her privacy, then she can be very sweet to you.
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