A man with a foggy clouds over him. He is sensitive and easily hurt and
always feels lonely. He does not trust anyone but himself. Sounding so
negative, but he has an amazingly charisma. He is a compassionate man . He
absorbs other people sentimental feeling and pain.
He is a good psychiatrist and he could understand complex and confused
feeling. He has a hidden power that he could use it to make things happen
and do things well. He does not like people who never try to help themselves
before asking other people for favors. He is the type of guy who mostly
achieved his goal in life.Once he sets his mind for something, he will put
all his energy and efforts in it , whether or not it is a small matter or a
big project. One of the most success man in all the Zodiac.
He is a very patient man and can waits for years to reach his goal. He hates
thin feeling and weak determinations. He can not retreat or rest for long,
for he thinks life has more questions and more answer to be searched.
If he is in love, you will get plenty of love from him, sometimes may be too
much than you have asked for. He is serious about love and relationship and
will not waste time with someone he does not love whether how pretty she is.
He hardly makes mistake. He could tell if you have any bad thought, and will
not hesitate to tell you so. If you do not like straight forward sincere
man, then pack your bag now. If you are an over sensitive person, try not to
ask for his comments. He will tell you the truth, even you might not be able
to take it. Example , if you ask him if you are fat (and you are fat), he
will say 'yes, as big as a balloon'. He makes such comments because he cares
for you, so do something about your weight and do not get up set with him.
If he says 'you look pretty today', you can be proud because he will not say
such think just to please you if he does not really mean it. There will be
both kind of people, those who like him and those who hate him. If you are
in love this guy, be strong and belief in your decision, do not be
vulnerable. He remembers all his anger and will wait for his pay back time.
He is very serious about your promise, do not promise something you could
not keep. He loves his friends and will do anything for his close friends.
He likes you to take care of him, but not in front of his friend. He is a
complex man and you will never understand what he means if you do not really
know him. He is happy to know he is a complex figure. When he is thinking or
when he needs his privacy, you should give him some space.
He memorize everything well. You may say something that you already
forgotten, but he will remember every words. He wants to be respected and
admired and at the same time he does not like people to have power over him.
When he falls in love, he really falls deep. A man in this Zodiac once in
love, he will be sweeter than sugar. He does not like a plain and simple
woman. A complex woman's mind is his venture. Always be interesting and able
to talk to him about every things in any subjects. He does not like a woman
who sits around waiting for his call.

A simple woman who always show what kind of a moods she is in. You can tell
right way if she up set, or if she is flirting with you. She displays
herself with her act much more than trying to say it for it's in her
A Scorpio woman has her own mysterious personality. She is confident and
deep down inside she is quite proud of herself. She hates to think she is
borne a woman and so limiting her with a certain social acceptable rules.
She is a real woman and despite her innocent and childish looks, she has a
spirit of free soul. Many men will make mistake if they think she is a good
follower, they are wrong.
She thinks being a plain simple housewife is boring. She likes to have power
and control over other people, but this will be only her secret, so you will
only see a cute woman. Every things she does will look good, and she has all
the woman's trick you can think of. She can manipulate men without they
knowing it.
If you think she going to do everything you say because she loves you, then
you will be disappointed. She could be a little tomboyish and she can
understand you by just looking in your eyes. You may say sweet words which
could sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio woman. She will use her
X-ray eyes reading your thought of what you just said or what you are going
to say. She always smile and she can really hide her feeling.
She will constantly show you that she loves freedom. If she has freedom, she
will not leave you, but will even love you more. If she wants something, she
will do everything to get it. She has her own sixth sense of people and you
can feel that energy feed back when you around.
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