He likes to comb his hair backward, open his forehead showing a dignify
facial __expression. His eyes is sparkle, but slightly showing laziness. He
walks firmly and slowly like a lion, confident and ego proud. Outside, you
may think he is kind and gentle person, but inside he is a strong and secure
person. If he is frighten, he will re-act and respond right away. His words
always seem normal but mostly imply 'order and demanding'. He will not talk
fast, or can not talk fast, neither walk fast. In a crowd or at work he will
act normally, but not for long you will see him standing out of the crowd
and be a center of attention with his words, or his action.
You might think he is a shy guy, but deep down inside he wants to power over
his family and his friends. He just waits for that right moment. Do not take
what is his, and do not order him, or else you will see a fierce lion. He
respects elderly and senior, but will never bow down and accept like a
looser for he will rather die than loose his dignity.
He talks bluntly even on an occasion that he should not say such thing. He
is a compassionate guy and always look at other people on a bright side. He
likes people to listen to him. Even he has such a blunt and bold
personality, he could easily reach his goal without making any enemy.
Once disagree with him on something, he can be very up set like a rainy
storm on a summer day. It will only last a short time, then he will be back
a cheery merry person again. He is a bright and witty guy, and he will not
put any efforts on something that he thinks it will not work and waste his
energy. He is a good planner and can well manage his job assigned. When he
gives order, he expect them to be carry out exactly. He is the leader type
that the followers love.
He can give other people advice and solve problems for other people well,
except his own mess. He can be easily hurt by other people especially if you
do not trust or respect his ability. You could compliment him sometimes and
make this lion be your kitty with no difficulty. He is not a good judge for
he listen to many people and tend to belief all sides.
You can hardly see a Leo man with no woman by his side. If you see him
alone, he could already have a love one in his heart, or just broken up with
one. Because he is very proud, he can change many girl friends. He will do
many things for the woman he loves, but loosing his face is not one of them.
Leo man can not live without love , because for him Love is a ray of Light.
He likes people to rely on him, it's make him feels 'in power'. He may
complaint if he is asked for favor, but deep inside he is happy that you
asked him. If you offer to help him , he will refuse you right away.
When he is broke , he can find money still. He is not careful with his way
of spending for he has fun with spending money and happy to buy what he
likes. He lets other people borrow money from him easily even if he has no
money, he will run to his friend to borrow money for you. He likes first
class , first quality of everything.
He can work hard like a mad dog, and sometimes can be lazy like a lazy
sleepy cat. When he works, he is very serious. When he parties, he can be a
party animal. If he ask you out, you will sure have a fun and jolly time.
He will take chance with his love life, so if you know how to handle him,
you will win. If he is your love one, it won't be a romance novel. You have
to be ready to calm him down when he over reacts to small matters because
your cool stability will control and ease his mood. If you can not handle or
understand him, your relationship will be like a demolition zone, a on and
off relationship till all your friends tired to hear about your breaking up
and making up.
Beauty is always in the eyes of the lion. You have to be dignify to walk
with the lion king. Your looks is part of his image and ego and he is very
proud about it too. If you want his attention the first time you meet, you
better be astounding attractive. If you have a first conversation with him,
you have to show him how much you adore his thinking. He likes to talk and
not knowing that he likes to talk about himself.

She will stand out of the crowd on the street. Leo woman normally tall or
rather tall. You will hardly see a short thick woman. When she walks she
walk like a queen, confident and does not look around, though as if there is
no one around her.
She will dress in her own style not according to fashion. She is confident
of what she choose to wear. Do not buy cheap cloths where they sell in dozen
for her as a gift, she will hate it. Also do not buy cloths that do not
reflect her confident personality. She likes unique and strange cloths and
accessories. Being different is what she loves.
If you want to know her, take times and be patient because she is selective
about people she mingles with. She's open minded, but yet she is not letting
people get to close to her easily. She likes sweet words and compliments,
but not too much.
She smiles with anyone, but inside she thinks she is borne to be a leader.
She likes to be in control because it is in her nature instinct. She is a
graceful woman , and she has a magnetic charisma, so expect tough
She is a very proud person, so do not do anything to challenge her
confident. She can be mad and act like a hurricane, and later can be like an
innocent kitten, but do not fall for her O.K. She remembers everything and
likes to cherish her sweet memory, so if you find her old photo albums with
her ex-boyfriend or love letters that will make you puke, take it easy. She
is keeping her sweet memory does not mean she still in love with the old
fool, so you do not have to panic.
She will have many guys run after her, so if you have advantage of a good
background family, or a famous last name, a successful career then it's a
plus. She hates to be poor and she thinks love will not pay bills.
She is a sport type and love sports. If you want to date her, prepare to
spend big bugs, for your first dinner with her can not be a hot dog stand,
but better be the best place in town. She is a generous person, so do not be
surprise if she give you a gift more expensive than what you gave her. She
likes extravaganza, no cheap gift, no cheap dinner please. Being poor or
broke make her depress. If you do not have lots of money, be creative and
make your own gift for her. It's unique quality and times spending making it
for her is a big deal. You can think economical, but do not be cheap.
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